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PAYMENT OPTIONS (current students only)

Tuition information

Please note: the following information reflects costs for the 2024/2025 school year.

  • Our tuition is based on a 171 day calendar year.  

  • Our annual class tuition will be divided into 10 equal payments.  

  • Payments are to be paid in full by the 24th of each month. With the exception of the first month's payment.  The first full month's tuition will be due on August 10th. 
  • Failure to pay will result in your child losing his/hers spot in the program. 

  •  Failure to make payments will disrupt your child's enrollment status.

  • Tuition payments will be made through SchoolPay.

  • An option for autopay will be made available by the 2nd week of September.

Tuition assistance

Requirements for tuition assistance:
  • Your child must be enrolled in a 5 day PM tuition class.
    • If your child qualifies, they may attend the 5 day PM class at no charge. 
    • At this time, there is no tuition assistance for any other class times.
  • You must meet the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines to receive free or meals for a reduced price.
  • If you have children already enrolled with Nixa Public Schools and they qualify, your new student will qualify as well.
    • You MUST add them to your application.
  • For more information and to see if you qualify, please visit the Free and Reduced Meals Application website
  • Attendance matters!
    • Placement will be reevaluated for students with excessive absences.
    • Nixa Board Policy states eight days (a 3 hour class is considered a day at the preschool level) or equivalent thereof will be the limit on absences per semester, and any absence more than eight days will be considered excessive.
    • Please communicate with the office to report absences.

For separated/divorced households

We understand how delicate money conversations can be no matter the circumstances. The Early Childhood office is not responsible for assuming who will be responsible for tuition payments. Please provide the office with a valid email address of the person who will be responsible for tuition payments so that the monthly tuition statements can be sent. 

Payment schedule

For more detailed information about monthly payments due, please click HERE.

Missed payments or failure to make payments

We understand circumstances come up and payments maybe be late or missed. Please communicate with the office. We would be happy to work with you to help get the past due balance current.

Failure to make payments or failure to communicate with the office about unpaid tuition will result in your child being dismissed from the program.